VOL 3 - Issue 4
The 4 issue includes the following research.
The Predictive Ability of Psychological Resilience Dimensions in Academic Adjustment Among School Students in the Za'atari Refugee Camp
The Psychometric Efficiency of the Alexithymia Questionnaire for Children (AQC) and the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) in a Sample of Adolescents: A Psychometric-Comparative Study
Cognitive Biases and Their Relation to Future Anxiety Among Yarmouk University Students
The relationship between Ego identity and Subjective well-being Definition among recovering drug addicts in Jordan
The Relationship Between Psychological Attachment to Place and Psychosocial Well-being Among Syrian Refugees
The Relationship between Cognitive Test Anxiety and Goal Orientations among Hashemite University Students
The Prevalent Instructional Strategies among Jordanian Teachers in Light of some Variables
The Representation of Citizenship in English Language Teaching: Inclusivity in Reading Texts