general ethics

Independence: The editorial board evaluates scientific research submitted for publication based on a number of specific elements, regardless of the author's orientation, gender, inclinations, origins, beliefs, or affiliation.

Confidentiality: The International Journal of Psychological and Educational Research is committed to the principle of confidentiality in dealing with information related to research and the arbitration process.

Conflicts of interest: The editorial board does not consider any research in which there is a conflict of interest resulting from cooperation or personal relationship, or acquaintance with any of the authors, companies or institutions related to the research submitted for publication.

Publication decisions: The editorial board has the right to preliminary examination of the research, and to decide its importance for arbitration, or to reject it. The research is not published in the journal until after it has been approved by two arbitrators, noting that the research is sent to two specialists in the field of research for arbitration without mentioning the name of the researcher, and in If there is a difference between the results of the arbitrators’ report, the research is sent to a third arbitrator, and the arbitrator submits a detailed report on whether or not he is permitted for publication, and the editor-in-chief is responsible for making the publishing decision based on the arbitrators’ opinion and the importance of the work.

Procedures related to publishing ethics violations: the editorial board shall take legal measures when any ethical problems arise regarding the research published or submitted for publication; Every work that violates the ethics of publication is considered even if it is discovered years after publication. The editorial board undertakes the appropriate legal procedures in this regard.