The Use of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics -Related Films as a Tool to Introduce the Middle School Students to Artificial Intelligence and Robotics.


Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Educations, Films

How to Cite

Ghobon, T. A. ., & Al-Fahoum, A. S. (2022). The Use of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics -Related Films as a Tool to Introduce the Middle School Students to Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. International Journal of Psychological and Educational Research, 1(2). Retrieved from


Artificial intelligence and robotics-based films contribute significantly to the films industry, it is evidenced that it is proportion as part of the film business was increased rapidly during last decade. This was observed due to the increases in the artificial intelligence and robotics technology which have been attracting wide spectrum of the communities’ category. Therefore, this paper aim to investigate the impact of this type of films on the middle school students’ group. The proposed methodology of this study is made to measure various aspects for the middle school students as follows: (1) Introducing such technological topics and (2) Increasing the creativity and imagination skills. A survey to evaluate the impact on middle school students was conducted that consists of a list questionnaire before and after watching a pre-selected film clips related to artificial intelligence and robotics. It was evidenced that such as films type have initial positive effects on the students’ motivations, inspiration and creativity.